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Nanotumor Meeting at CRBS

Friday, 26th of May 2023 - 1 rue Eugène Boeckel - Strasbourg

The Nanotumor consortium officially comes to an end on May 31, 2023. However, several Nanotumor research projects will continue well into the future. A face-to-face conference was organized at the Centre de Recherche en Biomédecine de Strasbourg (CRBS), home to the consortium's coordinator, Jacky Goetz, both to take stock and to review progress on current projects.


Participating members of the Consortium:
Jacky Goetz, Patrick Schultz, Kristine Schauer, Pierre Martineau, Philippe Rondé, Izabela Sumara, Marc Tramier & Marco Mendoza
Vincent Hyenne, Luc Camoin, Katerina Jerabkova-Roda, Kuang-Jing Huang, Avais Daulas,
Florent Colin, Maria Ferri & Aysis Yoshi


Credit: Katerina Jerabkova-Roda - CRBS


10h - 10h30

Welcome and Introduction
Jacky Goetz & Patrick Schultz - co-coordinators of Nanotumor


10h30 - 11h15

Cryo-electron tomography and subtomogram averaging:
Bridging the scales between structural and cell biology

Florian Faessler - PI at IGBMC (Illkirch) - INVITED SPEAKER


11h15 - 11h45

Progresses towards the study of human epigenetic targets by EM

Patrick Schultz - PI at IGBMC (Illkirch) - Nanotumor


11h45 - 12h15

Ultrastructural Assessment of RalA/B Derived Endosome Formation and
Extracellular Vesicle Secretion in Metastatic Breast Cancer

Kuang-Jing Huang - Post-Doc at CRBS & IGBMC - Nanotumor


12h15 - 12h45

Intrabodies tools for the characterisation of RalA/B in metastasis

Pierre Martineau - PI at IRCM - Nanotumor


12h45 - 14h30

Lunch at Strasbourg City Center


14h30 - 15h15

The MOSPD2 protein connects the Endoplasmic Reticulum to other organelles (endosomes, mitochondria…) and to Lipid Droplets



15h15 - 15h45

From big-data functional genomics to the reconstruction of regulatory programs at the basis of biological systems

Marco Mendoza-Parra - PI at Genoscope Nanotumor


15h45 - 16h15

Towards a high-resolution map of the cancer cell: focus on lysosome dysfunction

Kristine Schauer - PI at Gustav Roussy Nanotumor


16h15 - 16h45

Organelles positioning/distribution in bladder/melanoma models

Katerina Jerabkova-Roda - Post-Doc at CRBS Nanotumor


16h45 - Onward

Conclusion / Discussion
Jacky Goetz & Patrick Schultz - co-coordinators of Nanotumor

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